Emergency management module training with the aim of "... improvement of intercollaboration among governmental organizations and other relevant institutions in the condition of Emergency, and advanced trials ..." is planned to organize every year together Institute for Strategic Studies. The National Security Council, Mongolia, The Emergency management Agency, The Asia foundation, USA, The USA Embassy in Mongolia, USA Emergency management and humanitarian aids training Center and the USA Alaska national guards.
This year's training has been organized in two stages.
- First stage - Seminar on " Introduction of the USA emergency urgent management system" in 2-6 March 2009 in The Emergency management Agency of Mongolia.
-Second stage - "Training Commando staff and demonstrative tactical training for officers directly envolved in emergency management of the government agencies and other relevant organizations" in 31 March - 9 April 2009 which has an aim to set up emergency situation management plan, training and designing recommendations for this situation.
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