Saturday, December 8, 2012


The Institute for Strategic Studies has opened its own blog.
The Institute for Strategic studies was initially set up under the Ministry of Defense and since then it had been conducting researches in the field of Mongolian security external environment and military and political situations in Asian, North East Asian and the Pacific regions.

Mrs.BATCHIMEG.M /2010/

Mrs.BATCHIMEG.M /2010/

Brigadier General DAVAADORJ.B /2009-2010/

Brigadier General DAVAADORJ.B /2009-2010/

Major General MYAGMAR.D /2006-2009/

Major General ULAANKHUU.CH /2005-2006/

Major General ULAANKHUU.CH /2005-2006/

Lieutenant General MOLOMJAMTS.L /1997-2005/

Lieutenant General MOLOMJAMTS.L /1997-2005/

Mr.BAYAR.S /1996-1997/

Mr.BAYAR.S /1996-1997/

Mr.BOLD.R /1992-1996/

Mr.BOLD.R /1992-1996/

Lieutenant General PUREVDORJ.CH /1990-1992/

Lieutenant General PUREVDORJ.CH /1990-1992/

Institute for strategic studies

Institute for strategic studies of the National security council of Mongolia

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ambassador of the North Korea in Mongolia Kim Sok Ho, and Board member of Pektusan Society Sarantuya have visited the ISS on 12 june 2009

Ambassador of the North Korea in Mongolia Kim Sok Ho, and Board member of Pektusan Society Sarantuya have visited the ISS on 12 june 2009.

Стратегийн судалгааны хүрээлэн Бүс нутгийн болон олон улс судлалын байнгын багийг бүрдүүлэн ажиллахаар боллоо.

With the aim of better organization of events in 2009, improving researchers' skills in regional studies and quality of their researches have been decided to set up permanent research teams.

"Present and future Security Environment in North-East and Central Asia: Ulaanbaatar - New Helsinki" conference.

Institute for Strategic Studies together with European security studies Gearge Marshall Center have organized the "Present and Future Security Environment in North - East and Central Asia: Ulaanbaatar - New Helsinki" Conference in 20 -21 April 2009 in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conference hall "Councel", Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

"Ambassador's time" program.

"Ambassador's time" program.
Ambassador B.A.Govorin (Russian Federation) had taken part in the "Ambassador's time" program, and visited Institute for Strategic Studies on 30 April 2009. And he gave his lecture consisting of three parts which are:

1. Russian Federation's foreign policy;

2. Internal policy of the Russian Federation;

3. Mongolian - Russian relations.

"The Audacity of hope" book has been translated

"The Audacity of hope" book has been translated.
The USA President Barak Obama's book "The Audacity of hope" 2006, has been translated be B.Dulguun, M.Otgonpurev and B.Indra, expert of the Center of International Security Studies.
The book is reflecting personal life 10 years experience of President Barack Obama in politics and his american dreams' views.
You have to read this book if you wish to know his views who won the presidential election by overmajority and to get understanding his success!

Emergency management module training has been successfully acomplished

Emergency management module training with the aim of "... improvement of intercollaboration among governmental organizations and other relevant institutions in the condition of Emergency, and advanced trials ..." is planned to organize every year together Institute for Strategic Studies. The National Security Council, Mongolia, The Emergency management Agency, The Asia foundation, USA, The USA Embassy in Mongolia, USA Emergency management and humanitarian aids training Center and the USA Alaska national guards.
This year's training has been organized in two stages.
- First stage - Seminar on " Introduction of the USA emergency urgent management system" in 2-6 March 2009 in The Emergency management Agency of Mongolia.
-Second stage - "Training Commando staff and demonstrative tactical training for officers directly envolved in emergency management of the government agencies and other relevant organizations" in 31 March - 9 April 2009 which has an aim to set up emergency situation management plan, training and designing recommendations for this situation.

"Human security workshop: theoretical and practical aspects" April 24, 2009

Conference on "Theoretical and practical issues of the human security" had been organized.
Institute for Strategic Studies, The National Security Council,

The Mongolian Journal of Strategic Studies №45 (1/2009)

The Mongolian Journal of Strategic Studies
Lets believe in our Gaols and work together for the Development
Millenium Development Gaols - Based Comprenensive National Development Strategy of Mongolia; The Philosophy, principles theories, methodologies and practical outcomes
J.Batsuuri, Ts.Lhagvasuren, E.Enkhmaa